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Meet the family

Steve web bio


Hello, I'm Steve. I'm happy to have created a business that has a fantastic message that can help young children. Being part of something like this is what drives me every day. Retirement just isn't a word in my vocabulary.

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Aurielle web bio


I'm Aurielle. My favourite memories are of getting lost in books, to the point where avoiding lamposts and missing train stops became my personal sport. Now I get to immerse myself in everything books and have all my little chickens around to help make it happen.

Director & Author

Aimee wix photo bio
Nick bio photo 2
Pete web bio photo

I'm Melissa. Middle child wearing many hats. But what you'll know me best as is author of Enlighten Press books. This brings together all my passions of wellbeing, psychology, writing, illustration, love of learning and much more. Every book is an adventure for me that I am excited to share - just wait and see what I'll do next!

Curriculum & Management

Hi I'm Aimee, youngest daughter. I started out working as a resource consultant where I discovered my passion for connecting teachers with the books they have always been searching for. Now I work in management where I can satiate my need to be a full on curriculum nerd. 

Author & Consultant

I'm Nick, eldest son and foundation author. I got my start as a published author in a national flyfishing magazine at age 12. After being asked by thousands of teachers educators and librarians to design books, based upon teacher feedback I wrote the first five bestselling titles. I’m now focused on providing the best service and visiting centres libraries and educators in person to get feedback for new books.

Jordy Website Bio Photo

Accounts & Music Production

Hi, I'm Ayla. My mum is the author & that's me you see all over the website! My dream is to have a lot of jobs like singing and being the boss of Enlighten press. I have a steady diet of books, books and guess what!?! BOOKS! I starred in and wrote my first book at the age of six, so watch out world - here I come!

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I'm Pete, partner of Melissa & father of Ayla. When I'm not making coffee for the author I'm doing the numbers or making music for the books. Tell me what book you want a song for and I can create it!

Author & Future Boss

Sales Management

Hi, I’m Jordy. When I was a young I devoured books. The library was my favourite place in town. When I came to Australia I became a resource consultant for Enlighten Press. The ideal job, sales & books, my 2 biggest passions. Nowadays I’m managing our team of resource consultants. The goal is to make as many young children as possible passionate about books and reading. Like me when I was young!

Sandra web bio photo

Admin Management

Hi, I'm Sandra. I've been around since the beginning of Enlighten Press and join the dots between our consultants and the customers. Call on me when you need to, I'm the Mrs fix-it of admin around here.  

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